Rajamouli's next film ' Bahubali' is being routed as the costilest film ever in telugu cinema. According to unconfirmed sources, It's being scaled as more than Rs.100 crores. The film is gaining very high expectations from audience. Well, all rajamouli films are most anticipated movies but this movie is something special from him. To start with, Rajamouli taken almost Rs.16 crores remuneration which is something very high for a director but even producers given that much of amount to him that shows what Rajamouli can do. According to official confirmation, Prabhas taken Rs.10 crores remuneration and the rest of celebs and technicians remuneration t is Rs.5 crores.

Daily, it costs around 3 lakhs for shooting. If that is the case, for 150 days of shooting it costs Rs 4.5 crores. For the sets the budget touches maximum of Rs.10 crores. For camerawork, another one crore needed. The maximum budget required for lighting work is one crore. All post production works budget calculated as Rs.3 crores. For Graphics, Visual effects, sound, DTS and others price may touch maximum to Rs.3 crores. The dubbing work in Hindi including dubbing artists and dubbing writing ss Rs.4 crores.

However, just for promotion in Hindi costs around 8 crores whereas in Telugu costs to Rs.3 crores and in Tamil Rs.2 crores. If all these calculations taken, the maximum budget of Bahubali is around Rs.70 crores. Something that crosses this budget is highly impossible. If any sources say the budget is more than 100 crores then its simply fake.

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